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Here you can see the major part of the works, created at contests, festivals, simposia, that were carried out in different world countries, and also buisness-projects.

07-Jul-2005 - 19-Jul-2005 England. Brighton. 'World Sand Sculpture Festival Brighton 2005'. 'Egypt' theme.
'Asiris' - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m.) 07-Jul-2005 - 19-Jul-2005 England. Brighton. 'World Sand Sculpture Festival Brighton 2005'. 'Egypt' theme.
'Ambusimbel' - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m., length 12 m.)05-Jun-2005 - 10-Jul-2005 Italy, Venice (Jesolo). The international exhibition of sand sculpture. 'Hollywood' theme. 'Western' - Kuraev V.A. (height 3,5 m.) 'Three sides of a victory' Moscow, garden Hermitage, h=4,5ì, May 2005 'Izba-spa', Vladimir Kuraev, h=,3,2ì, 2001, Canada, Quebec International championship Lido di Jesolo, 'The kidnapping of Europe', Vladimir Kuraev, h=3ì, bronze, people choice, 2003, Italy, Venice World championship, 'Silk way', Vladimir Kuraev, h=4,5ì, China 'That our life is a game', Vladimir Kuraev, Ilya Shanin, h=3,5ì, gold, people choice, 2003, Italy, Chervia International championship Lido di Jesolo, 'Huliver', Vladimir Kuraev, h=3,3ì, gold, 2002, Italy, Venice Sand simposium, 'Athena', Vladimir Kuraev, Patricia Leguen, h=3,5ì, 2001, Scotland, Glasgow Lido di Jesolo, Sand sculptures exhibition, 'Annunciation', Vladimir Kuraev, h=3,5ì, 2003, Italy, Venice International championship, 'Sumo', Vladimir Kuraev, h=2,5ì, 2000ã, Canada, Quebec Lido di Jesolo, demonstrational sculpture, 'Roman races', Vladimir Kuraev, John Gowdy(USA), l=14ì, 2003, Italy, Venice Sand exhibition, 'Holland history', Vladimir Kuraev, 2003, Holland, Torn

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design: Malyshev Eugeny© 2004