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ice sculpture / history




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History - is a set of events: regular, connected with each other,and sometimes casual, and from the point of view of human logic, absolutely independent, but far from casual from the other point of view.

The history of "FINE ART ŅONCERN" community - is a set of events, that lead organizers of the Concern to the joint creation work.
Everyone of us even in the childhood took a step to this creative union, when he sculptured his first snow man, made sand castle on the beach, paid attention to the beauty of light playing in April icicle.
Because of such children inventions, obviously , we came to the plastic investigation of the outward things and to the professional choice of being a sculptor or artist. The Overcoming of the limitation of main stream in art leads to the creative ideas, that made our life much more interesting and more various.

All the time people were strongly attracted by the mass festivals, but the rebuilding epoch made for innovation in their designing. In such a way by the initiative of V.P. Chernishov - the head of the culture department of the Oktybirskiy district executive committee appeared a joint (with one of the Concern organizers) project - the making of the snow "The Snow Township" at Leninskiy prospect.

Then there were the years of perfection of professional skill. Festivals "Viyugovei", many international festivals, the building of ice palaces. Later participation in artistic sculpture simposia in Finland , in the USA, in Canada, in Italy, in Germany, in China, in Japan, and also prizes...
But at the begining there was a nubbin of snow, squeezed by children hands, scoop, that deprived the piece of sand of its simplicity and icile, that had become a misterious fantastic creature ...


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design: Malyshev Eugeny© 2004